CommUnityHome is a non-profit organisation. We aim to give & receive money to & from people giving & receiving shelter.
Funds we raise from supporters directly support a small core team who match hosts with guests and build the host solidarity network. Our profits will go to
- Our ambassador charity The Blue Lantern
- Individual campaigners taking part in the basic income trials.
We are not funded directly by corporate partnerships, venture capitalists, paywalls or advertorials. Because the majority of our income is raised directly we can be independent of partisan or political interests without having to toe the line.
Donations. Groups. We receive funding from groups who donate to us on a monthly or one-off basis for the matching service. Hosts and guests. We are supported by your operational groups and you can donate to Extinction Rebellion, and Portland Global Friendship Group. Alternatively, because what we provide extends beyond a matching service - we give to hosts and guests who need it - you could consider one off/monthly donations to us at commUnityHome.
The platform we use to process the payments has one of the lowest payment processing fees meaning we get to keep more of your donation or investment. Supporters have flexibility (anything from £1) - which they can edit at any time, depending on their circumstances.
Grant funding will be sought for specific projects across a range of issue areas including financial education and economic opportunity. These will be specific projects that help us try something unusual without directly affecting our core costs. We maintain independence accepting a grant or amount awarded.
Finding shelter for people and supporting hosts continues to be the operational side of commUnityHome while a new economic structure we call a monetised gift economy or National Wealth Service underpins commUnityHome.
We believe in abolishing debt based currency by connecting people with money and leveraging an economy of kindness. We are a host solidarity group, a shelter marketplace for campaigners and a new economic structure.